Tai Chi 4 Recovery
Serenity Prayer for physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being.
Tai Chi 4 Recovery is a slow moving meditation choreographed to the Serenity Prayer.
Accessible and easy to remember; this micro short form, is excerpted from "The Baby Dragon" taught by Master Cody Flying Eagle Templeton, based on a Cheng Man Ch'ing, Yang Style, Tai Chi Chaun form.
Learn the basics of breathing, grounding and alignment.
Moving energy through the body can be both relaxing and energizing.
Spend 3 to 30 mindful minutes, solo or with others.
Connect to self, source and sangha.
Exercise and meditation have been shown to reverse the negative effects of stress.
"It's a mindful moving meditation to mend mood."
Regulate Emotions Naturally
Learn to move through anger, grief, fear, and worry.

*** Always consult you health care practitioner before starting any exercise routine. This is not a replacement for medical or psychiatric care but an adjunct you your overall wellness program.