COMING SOON Training for organizations, recovery coaches/peer advocates, clinicians,
prevention specialists and all members, families, friends, and allies of the recovery community.
CCAR Recovery Coach Academy
30 CARC/CRPA Initial Certification
CCAR Ethics for Recovery Coaches
16 CARC/CRPA Initial Certification
Medication Assisted Recovery
16 CARC/CRPA Initial Certification
CCAR Spirituality for Recovery Coaches
12 CARC/CRPA CEs & CARC Elective
CCAR Coachervision
Recovery Oriented Peer Professional Supervision
20-hour PSP Training, 20 Social Work CEs, 18 CASAC/CPP/CPS CE – No Peer Credit
Trauma Informed Care 101
6 CARC/CRPA, CASAC/CPP/CPS, Social Work CEs & CARC Elective
The Science of Addiction and Recovery
Our Stories Have Power, Community Recovery Messaging Training
3 CARC/CRPA, CASAC/CPP/CPS, Social Work CEs & CARC Elective
Our Stories Have Power, Diversity Equity & Inclusion
9 CARC/CRPA, CASAC/CPP/CPS, Social Work CEs & CARC Elective
Multiply Pathways of Recovery
6 CARC/CRPA, CASAC/CPP/CPS, Social Work CEs & CARC Elective
Wellness for Peer Professionals, Clinicians and Families
8 CARC/CRPA, CASAC/CPP/CPS, Social Work CEs & CARC Elective
Recovery; The Basics
Wellness Instruction:
Along with Addiction Recovery training BALANCE offers a variety of wellness workshops to rejuvenate you and your team.
Topics are custom designed around:
* The Importance of Self Care
* Movement
* Stress Management
and can incorporate a variety of modalities including:
* Tai Chi/Qi Gong
* Aromatherapy
* Tibetan Yoga
* Five Element Theory of TCM
* Healing with Music
* The Joy of Movement, etc.

*Theresa Knorr is a NYS OASAS Education and Training Provider, a FOR-NY Best Practice Trainer, and a member of the NYCB trainer registry.